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View a eulogy for Leon Delbert Bieri, USMA '57, who passed away on June 18, 2000.

Leon Delbert Bieri

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by John Bradley on September 20, 2000:

I served with Leon when he was the Aide de Camp to Brig. General Charles Timmes, the Assistant Division Commander (Support) for the 101st Airborne Division in 1960. He was a top notch officer and a good friend. General Timmes thought the world of Leon.

At the time, Leon, as I remember, owned a power boat which he often took to Kentucky Lake to water ski. He invited me to go with him on one trip, and we had a great afternoon.

Whenever the division command group went to the field, we were in close contact. Our biggest exercise was the first Quick Strike held in April 1960 at Fort Campbell and Camp Breckenridge, KY.

Unfortunately, I never served with Leon after the 101st.


John Bradley, '58 (A-2)


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