Joseph Linden Yeager
West Point, 1954
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Wayne H. Jones on December 20, 2010:
Joe Yeager had an enormous impact on my life. While I was a college student at Washburn U. in Topeka, KS, he came from Forbes AFB to my Phi Delta Theta fraternity house one night to talk to AFROTC cadets about the new USAF Academy in Colorado Springs. He said he was being assigned there as an Air Training Officer (ATO) instructor, that they were recruiting cadets who could pass a flight physical, and that it was an unsurpassed opportunity. He was so enthusiastic, compelling, and convincing in his presentation that I decided to give it a try. My twin brother, Dean Jones, and I were accepted into the Class of 1961 (third class at the USAF Academy), and it changed both of our lives forever. As an ATO for our first summer basic training (beast barracks), he made an indelible impression on all cadets with his force of personality, drive for perfection, patriotic example, and outstanding leadership. He was adamant that we should expect to make the Air Force a career, and my brother and I both did just that (21 and 26 years, respectively). I will always consider Joe Yeager a hero, to me personally, and to the USA he so loved.
Sincerely, Wayne Jones, Colonel, USAF (ret)
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