Dennis King Culp
West Point, 1964
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Marty Michlik on December 12, 2016:
The summer before our First Class year, Dennis, Jack Bergen and I decided to fly to California space available. Dennis's father would be coming back from Viet Nam and his family was living in Fresno. The three of us made it to Offett AFB in Omaha and got stuck. There was one seat headed west and we decided to have Jack go first, while Dennis and I waited for the next available flight. That worked out to be a few days later and went to Vandenberg AFB near LA. We took it, landed at Vandenberg and hitch hiked up to Fresno. When we got there we found Jack, comfortably at the Culps, enjoying their hospitality for several days.
It was a great time. We helped pick up Dennis' father, CAPT USN, when he returned from Viet Nam, then borrowed a Culp car and went camping, hiking and fishing in the High Sierras.
On the way back east, we got a hop on an Air Force tanker all the way from CA to MA. Then took a train south toward the Jersey shore to continue our month's leave.
Good memories of a great friend.
Marty Michlik
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