John Arthur Knutzen
West Point, 1964
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Dan Evans on June 17, 2005:
The following notes about John Knutzen were sent to me and the Class over the past few days:
From Sam Burney:
I am very sad to report that we have lost John Knutzen. We were out of town over the weekend, and I had a phone message from Lenore when we returned. She said John passed away after an 8 week battle with severe infection, etc.
Lenore told me a memorial service will be held on Saturday (18 June) at 11 am in the Palisades Presbyterian Church, 6301 Birchwood St, San Diego CA 92120. She asked that, in lieu of flowers, memorial donations be made to the MS Society, 8840 Complex Dr, Suite 130, San Diego CA 92123.
This is a very sad day. They really don't come any better than John Knutzen. He was an outstanding cadet, a terrific officer, a fine gentleman, and a wonderful friend. He and Lenore have gone to great lengths to join us at reunions since MS began taking its toll on his body...I am so glad they did!!
I hope those in the San Diego area will be able to represent the class at the service and provide some comfort to Lenore.
From Dan Evans:
John was one of those rare individuals who served as an insipration to all of us. To us, his MS was only a minor stumbling block in his pursuit of a full life. I knew him well as a Cadet, but really got to know him over the past few years, especially as he and Lenore planned to attend our reunions. What a gung-ho classmate! He was always one of the first to call me and sign up for class reunions. It was obvious that our Class meant so much to him. I will truly miss those calls from him and Lenore about a year in advance assuring me that he would attend and telling me not to fuss over his needs. I will miss seeing him buzz around the hotel and leading us onto the Plain with his scooter. Be thou at peace. God's Blessings upon Lenore and the Knutzen family.
From Jim O'Donnell
Very sad news. I didn't know John personally that well, but he was one of those I intersected with frequently, in classes, as a cadet. I had forgotten his disability. I still picture him most clearly in class uniform -- always beaming, positive, and friendly. You knew you could count on him for help if you ever needed it. This is a big loss.
From Kevin Murphy:
Just got off the phone with Lenore and I told her the Class of 64 is in tears tonight. She and John were such a class act in the face of great adversity with their fight with MS. When I first moved to San Diego in 1986, John and I reconnected through the WP Association and football since my son was the QB at the University of San Diego. He showed up for every home game and we just had a great time. Then the MS took hold slowly but surely but he used a cane and it was ok.
After the football career was over I saw him less so the MS changes were significant. I am very sad tonight that we have lost a good friend. I told Lenore that if she needed anything to let me know. She seems to have good control. Jody and I will be at the Celebration Service on Saturday and will represent the Class of '64 to the best of our ability. Let me know if I can do anything to better express our love and admiration for Lenore and John.
From Joe Palko:
Jim O'Donnell said it eloquently. The lasting image is John in class uniform, the big, teddy bear of a person, always positive and friendly. By coincidence, I sat near John in the auditorium during the reunion briefing. His attitude had not changed at all, and his last write up in the class directory reflects that.
From Fred Taylor:
John and I were in beast and plebe-yearling companies together. He was truly as fine a gentleman. This is a sad moment.
Next Eulogy
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