David Leonard Ugland
West Point, 1964
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Dennis O'Block on August 20, 1999:
Dave was a remarkable person.
He and I and Phil Shoemaker were roommates in M-1 in the famous 40th Division, immediately after Beast Barracks...
I remember the first meal formation as a Company when an upper classman came by and read his nametag and referred to him as Mr.(or ???)Ugh-land. Well, Dave, exercised the option remind the upper classman that he pronounced his name wrong by announcing, "Sir, my name is pronounced YOU-gland!" Things went South very quickly after that for a few minutes, anyway...
But Dave was a winner. He learned quickly and it was not very long before he had things going his way... I was just out of the Marine Corps and I was able to help Dave with some of the Military "stuff" and he was able to help me with my Russian and English.
Dave always seemed to find humor in our day to day plebe existence. He would have Phil and I laughing so much, so often, it was wonderful.
He was wonderful....
Dave, this old Marine thanks you for the memories. You were very instrumental in helping me survive those first two years in M-1, and eventually leading to our Graduation.
The life you lead was tragically too short. You obviously were made of the "Right Stuff" and I and the rest of our Class extends to you our heartfelt Thanks, and the most deserving, Well Done.
"Denny" O'Block "Ob's" to you, Phil, and Kevin Murphy.
Next Eulogy
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