View a eulogy for Herbert Dwight Raymond, USMA '64, who passed away on February 15, 2016.
Herbert Dwight Raymond
West Point, 1964
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by BG RM Ong (Ret) on March 1, 2016:
I remember him very well -- but only as a Cadet, and for his first 2 years at West Point -- when we were both in Company E-2. I remember him only as "Dwight" because everybody called him that, never "Herbert." I lost track of him my final year, because he transferred to another Company.
I think Dwight sailed thru Plebe Year with flying colors. Nobody really bothered disciplining him, because he did everything right. He was always on time (Plebes had to be in Formation 5 minutes before everybody else), his shoes and brass were always shined, he knew his "Plebe Knowledge" word-for-word. And so on...
As a Yearling, Dwight continued to be "Mr. Nice Guy." Everyone liked him because he liked everybody and treated them accordingly. And that's all I remember about him. I can only hope that his personality did not change when he left E-2. And that he continued to be the same amiable character after graduation.
Be thou at peace, my friend!
Brigadier General Ramon M. Ong (Retired) Armed Forces of the Philippines USMA 1963
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