John Edward Oristian
West Point, 1969
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by William H. Ward on January 7, 2015:
At a cadet, John was so far ahead of the rest of us in maturity, intelligence, and goals that it was truly remarkable. It was in keeping with these qualities that he met and married the true example of a life's love, partner, and helpmate: Joan.
Much more substance has been written about him in the Legacy Book and his memorial article. He had a truly remarkable career as an officer, instructor, and academician.
My one overriding last impression of him personally came at our 30th reunion after he had recovered from his most recent brain tumor operation. He was describing to me how he had to "relearn" certain intellectual functions such as reading, writing, and communicating. I wish even now I had a portion of the intellectual capacity he exemplified even then.
John had passed shortly before our 40th reunion in a final struggle of which many of us were all too aware. IA-A?A1/2ll never forget that graciousness and characteristic aplomb he showed at our 30th.
Shakespeare wrote of Julius Caesar what can be most aptly applied to John:
"His life was gentle; and the elements so mixed in him, that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, THIS WAS A MAN!" --Julius Caesar, Act V, scene v
To that, rather than add the perfunctory RIP, I wish for John that he is eternally happy riddling out infinitely advanced electrical and physical concepts in his own individual "Mansion of the Lord."
--Bill Ward, G-2 Classmate
Previous Eulogy
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