John Clarke Yeisley
West Point, 1969
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Jim Russell on August 9, 2017:
On 1 July 1965, I joined two other well-meaning but equally bumbling roommates for First Beast. We three had no better odds of completing Beast, let alone graduating, than did the man in the moon. Fortunately for us, our chain of command quickly recognized the downside of such concentrated incompetence, and wisely broke up our room.
In place of my two initial fellow boobs, I got George Bass and John Yeisley, both of whom were orders of magnitude more squared away than I. Where had these guys learned all this stuff? How could they pull it all off so effortlessly? It was amazing.
My life did a quick about-face and became, if not easy, at least possible. They epitomized competence, gracious generosity to a way-less-able classmate, and cool. They got me through. Everything I am and ever hope to become, I owe to my first detail Beast Barracks roommates, George and John.
Now they are both gone; George in Vietnam, and now John. I have no doubt that both continued to bless many others in their lives as they did me, back near the beginning. We BOTL are fortunate indeed to have known these fine men. God bless them.
Previous Eulogy
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