View a eulogy for Paul Coburn Sawtelle, USMA '69, who passed away on April 16, 1971.
Paul Coburn Sawtelle
West Point, 1969
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Joe McCarville on December 14, 2006:
As John Lucas said, we think of Paul Sawtelle, as well as our other fallen Classmates constantly. I know that I think of him specifically at least every day or two. Sometimes I am just mentally going down the list of fallen classmates in my mind. Other times I think of him because he inspires me to be the very best person I can be. He can't be here any more. We need to carry on for him.
Paul is the epitomy of someone whose life was cut short long before he had a chance to make his true mark in this world. If he had lived this last 36 years, we would probably all be dropping his name now.
I was in the 1/506 Infantry of 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne while Paul was in L Co. 75th Rangers. Once, March '71, I had to go to Hue/Phu Bai on business. I did my business and looked Paul up. We spent most of the day together, extracting a couple of Ranger teams by STABO and eating in the chow hall and just having a great time.
It was obvious to me how professional Paul was as a Ranger platoon leader and how well respected he was by those great soldiers.
I have treasured that time Paul and I had together and had hoped to repeat it, but we lost him the next month.
I know that all of us in the Class of '69 are very proud that Paul is our classmate.
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