Melvin Alton Tinker
West Point, 1969
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Michael Ray Tinker on November 9, 2008:
Captain Melvin Alton Tinker was more than a uncle to me. He was my brother that I grew up with on Saturday mornings watching cartoons and building elevators with "Tinker Toys". Just about every weekend I would spend with him, grandma, and grandpa in the small town of Jerome, Idaho, where we were born.
Melvin was always busy with his school studies and scouting. Melvin elevated himself to Eagle Scout and earned all the merit badges associated with that honor. He always said, "Michael, I want to see you become an Eagle Scout". Melvin got all A's in school and he was captain of the Jerome Tigers football team and the basketball team. He also won many awards in track. In school he was captain of the Spanish club and spoke that language fluently. Melvin was always involved in honorable activities and his girlfiends always said good things about him to me. No one I meet ever said anything bad about him. He was my standard and role model. I wanted to be just like Melvin when I grew up. He always wrote me letters from West Point, while he was a cadet. He spoke about Honor, Duty and Country. He was a great friend to me and he was fun to be around. It broke my heart when he and his wife were killed on the autobahn, while he was stationed in Germany.
Melvin was going to the top. He had the whole world by the tail. It deeply scarred my whole family when he died. Grandpa and Grandma were hurt the most. They were so proud of their baby boy.
Melvin's Father, Elwin Leslie Tinker just passed away on September 5, 2008 at the age of 91 years. Grandma, Freda L Tinker, his wife for 71 years is now by herself at the same home Melvin grew up in. I called her this evening and told her about this Web Site, and all the wonderful things that other officers have written in Melvin's Eulogy. I write this with tears hoping to encourage others to continue being the "standard bearers for the best of the line," for officers who are like Captain Melvin Tinker to continue being the cut above the rest that inspires us all to be the best that we can be.
Love Always, Michael Tinker
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