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View a eulogy for Brian Eugene Morrill, USMA '69, who passed away on November 1, 2008.

Brian Eugene Morrill

West Point, 1969

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Edward J. Morehouse on February 6, 2014:

I first met Brian Morrill when he was my counselor at Camp Idlewild on Lake Winnipesauki in New Hampshire. I think it was the summer of 1962 or 1963. He made the summer a wonderful time. He was kind and considerate. We all loved Brian and admired him very much. I requested Brian as my counselor for the next summer and was told he had enrolled at West Point.

I arrived at West Point in July of 1967 for the start of Beast Barracks. At some point on that first day I had to go and see the "man in the red sash" for information. I approached him with much trepidation. As I stood before him and saluted I realized it was Brian. I was sure he wouldn't recognize me but I saw him smile for a moment before he gave me an order and dismissed me.

About a week later Brian stopped me during some activity. He asked about Idlewild and how I was doing. Throughout that first month before he left for his summer break Brian came to see me in the barracks and often brought food to supplement the meager rations we received.

I left West Point after my Plebe year and transferred to Cornell. I never saw Brian again but over the years have thought about him and the impact he had on my life. I regret not contacting him but he will always remain in my heart and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

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