Andrew Pearson
West Point, 2001
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by MAJ Patrick Foo on May 29, 2008:
Drew & I became friends at the Armor Captain's Career Course at Ft. Knox in the autumn of 2005. As a foreign student in a new country & surrounded by strangers, I was overwhelmed by the sights & sounds, and not to forget the homework that was piled upon us. As a fellow student, Drew reached out and made me feel right at home. He patiently took the time to explain the wonders of American culture to me, & also spoke proudly of his prior experiences in Afganistan.
Throughout the course, it became evident that Drew was intelligent, out-spoken & a born leader; he would never hesitate to speak his mind in class & he was seldom wrong. During our early morning runs, he would always lead from the front; on the frisbee pitch, he would run the rest of us into the ground, always pushing us to train harder in the quest to defeat the other small-groups.
Drew also enthusiastically volunteered to take the German Armed Forces Prof Test with me - & I was thankful that he had agreed, given that there were absolutely no other takers! We had a great time completing the various tests together, helped largely by his determination & sense of humour.
Most importantly, it soon became apparent that Drew was a real 'family-man' - Every Monday, i would ask him how his weekend was, & his eyes would brim with pride as he talked about his weekend activities with his family, never failing to remind me how many children he had to manage & how much he loved every minute of it!
By the end of the course, it became clear that Drew was the epitomy of what every military officer should be - A patriot, disciplined, motivated & prepared to lead from the front - a good role model for the rest of us.
Drew, At ACCC graduation, I shook your hand & we promised to meet up someday. I will never forget. Thank you for what you have done for me, I will miss you.
Pat Foo (MAJ) Singapore Armed Forces
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