Andrew Pearson
West Point, 2001
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Denny & Janice Garn on May 8, 2008:
With every visit I made to the Academy during my son’s time there, I was always in awe of the fine young men and women that make up the Long Grey Line. Each and every one stood out as the best of the best. As I met my son’s friends, and we shook hands for the first time, I would look into their eyes and knew I was in the presence greatness. Drew and my son Alex shared their time, served shoulder to shoulder, helping each other complete the mission. I am without doubt that Drew was truly one that had no problem filling the standard and did it with courage, duty, and honor.
One of my most treasured moments during each visit to West Point was the short time I would spend at the Cadet Chapel. Nothing on earth gave me more reverence then standing quietly at the back of the chapel as I read the Cadet Prayer. I have reprinted for you here.
The Cadet Prayer
O God - Our Father - Thou Searcher of Men’s hearts - help us to draw near to thee in sincerity and truth. May our religion be filled with gladness and may our worship of thee be natural. Strengthen and increase our admiration for honest dealing and clean thinking - and suffer not our hatred of hypocrisy and pretence ever to diminish. Encourage us in our endeavor to live above the common level of life. Make us choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong - and never to be content with a half-truth when the whole can be won. Endow us with the courage that is born of loyalty to all that is noble and worthy - that scorns to compromise with vice and injustice and knows no fear when truth and right are in jeopardy. Guard us against flippancy and irreverence in the sacred things of life. Grant us new ties of friendship and new opportunities of service. Kindle our hearts in fellowship with those of a cheerful countenance - and soften our hearts with sympathy for those who sorrow and suffer. Help us to maintain the honor of the Corps untarnished and unsullied and to show forth in the lives the ideals of West Point in doing our duty to Thee and to our Country. All of which we ask in the name of the Great Friend and Master of Men. Amen
These words are so clear and the standard so high. From what I have been told, Drew truly lived these words, not only on the battlefield but in every aspect of his life. It is always a tragedy to lose one of the best, one of such greatness, yet it is such a blessing that we had Cpt Drew Pearson for the time he served and gave to us all. His selfless dedication to his family, his troops, and his country will live in our hearts forever.
Thank you Pearson Family, for the unforgettable gift you have given us all.
Till Duty Is Done (USMA 01)
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