Andrew Pearson
West Point, 2001
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Chris Gonzalez on May 8, 2008:
I write this eulogy not only with great shock and sadness, but also with a measure of hope. I knew Drew very little from West Point, but had the pleasure of getting to know him a great deal more from our assignment in 2-5 IN in Hawaii and Afghanistan. He was a self-admitted "strong-willed" officer, although the words he would use to describe himself were a lot more colorful. However, I think that's what made him such a great man. He was willful because he knew he was right and his causes were right and that in turn made him dedicated in everything he did.
Drew was one of the most committed officers I knew. He loved leading Soldiers and did everything in his power to train and care for them, so they could succeed not only in the Army, but in life. But the most amazing thing about Drew was his commitment to his beloved family. While I didn't get to know Drew on a deep, personal level, it wasn't hard to see how much he loved his family. I remember the times in Afghanistan, sitting outside the TOC and eating our MREs when everyone would relax and talk. Often times conversation would drift to family and friends and I can clearly see how happy he would get when he talked about Jo and his beautiful kids. His face would light up and that big smile of his would stretch from ear to ear and I knew, more than anything, he loved his family.
I smile as I recall that mental picture of Drew and draw hope from it; that someday for me, but even more so for his loving family, when the pain and sadness fades, all that remain are loving memories.
I'll miss you brother,
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