James D. Greenlee
West Point, 1969
Be Thou At Peace
Posted by Jim Harlan on December 31, 2014:
It's been many years, but I still remember. Jimmy Greenlee, and his younger brother Jackie, lived next-door to me in the early '60s. Every summer, practically every day and from sunrise to sunset, the neighborhood boys played softball in the side street. There was a cable wire at the far end, over which was an automatic home run. I never hit one, in literally thousands of at bats. A few kids hit a handful of homers. Jimmy hit several every game. And if he didn't hit it high enough to fly over the cable, he ran so fast he'd score anyway. He was simply amazing. We attended different high schools, so I never witnessed his record-setting exploits for the Lutheran-West football team. But I'd hear about them the next day. He never bragged about anything, but someone else would, or I'd read it in the newspaper. He wasn't the type to brag. He was smart, always so friendly, and treated everyone with respect. The Greenlee family moved away after he graduated from high school. But I'll never forget the shock when I heard about his fatal accident following a New Year's party. We lost a good person that day, and my tears still well up.
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